Green Bean, Apple & Herb Baby Purée 

I was thrilled that our prime time in the garden was coinciding with starting our son Harrison on purees. I have been thinking about all the possible tasty garden combinations to introduce him too.

The green beans are starting to pop up in the garden, so I knew I had to come up with a flavorful puree with these fresh beans for our little one and since its mid July I have plenty of herbs to enhance the flavor of this puree. I chose sage and parsley. If you don’t grow either of those you could also use basil, thyme, or rosemary if you like.


 I made Bennett’s baby food as well and for any mom who is considering making your babies purees I highly recommend it! Its SO easy, cost effective and you know exactly what is in your babies food. You can make large batches all at once and they store well in the freezer. 


1 cup of green beans

1 apple

2-4 fresh sage leafs

2-3 fresh parsley leafs

4oz of breast milk, water or stock

Skin and chop apple into small cubes. Then boil apples and green beans in a pot filled with 1/2 cup of water. Boil for 5-7 mins or until apples and green beans are tender. A good way to tell if they are cooked enough is fork them. The fork should slide into apples and beans with ease, then strain.


 Put half the milk in the blender, add green beans, apples, and herbs. Blend until smooth, add the other half of the milk slowly to the mixture and continue blending until desired consistency. You might not use all of the milk depending on the consistency you are trying to achieve. This recipe yields 3 quarter pint jars of puree.

 Make sure to leave 1/4″ space in the jar then lid and freeze. This allows your puree to expand when frozen and you will avoid cracking or breaking of the jar. If you don’t want to store the puree in jars you can also freeze the puree in ice cube trays. Pop them out when frozen and store in a plastic bag or a sealed container.


This puree is simple, wholesome and full of flavor. The apples give the puree a little bit of sweet while the sage and parsley help bring out the fresh taste of the beans. Baby Harrison approved!

Grow it. Pick it.Cook it.Eat it.


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