DIY Chicken Coop

The chicken coop is finally complete! This was a fun little family project for all of us! Below I have attached the links to where you can purchase the coop plans and other items we purchased to complete our fluffy butt hut!f3d7bc45-8299-4173-a4b0-b20302caa8ce

Kris and I decided it would be beneficial to purchase a coop plan before building. This eliminated a lot of work for Kris, he didn’t have to figure out angels of cuts etc. The plans have them all in there for you, as well as a step by step instructions, tips, and a supply list. This coop plan was super helpful in this project! It took us about three weekends working on it start to finish. I have attached the link below to the coop plans which were purchased on Etsy. As well as links for other things we purchased to for the coop.

Chicken Coop Plans for Purchase

Solar lamps

White barn paint

Poultry feeders

Galvanized tub – for dust bath

The fluffy butt hut sign 



We are super pleased with how it turned out! Below is a front view of the chicken run. This is where the chickens spend the majority of their day. Usually, only using the coop to sleep and lay eggs.

We did build the run first but this was because we originally ordered a pre-built coop that didn’t end up showing up. So happy we decided to have Kris build instead.

The boys enjoyed helping Kris where they could.

This coop states it is big enough for about ten chickens. It has five nesting boxes and three roosting bars. Our six chickens we currently have, have plenty of space!

I loved that we were able to customize the coop. We did a tin roof instead of the shingles the plan called for.

Above are pictures of the ramp for them to enter and exit the coop. I stained the ramp and legs on the coop a golden oak. Kris also built a roosting tree of the chickens to sit on.

Our hens seem to be pretty happy and content in their new home and the four of us are looking forward to fresh eggs! This was a fun DIY family project we took on during quarantine.


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