English Toffee Treats

Every year around this time I like to make diy gifts to handout to friends and family. These toffee treats are easy and delicious!

They make great gifts for teachers or caregivers. A delicious crunchy Christmas treat! Also a good way to use some garden herbs! Tie a twig of rosemary to the gift bags for a pretty touch!


1 1/2 cups chocolate chips

2 cups butter

2 cups white sugar

2 cups chopped and toasted almonds (walnuts or pecans work too)

2 tbsp light corn syrup

6 tbsp water

Silicone candy molds or baking sheet

Non-stick spray or parchment paper

Sea salt (optional)


Gift tags

Gift bags

Yields: 25 toffee pieces


1. Toast the almonds on a cookie sheet at 350 degree for 15 minutes. Be sure to stir them every 5 minutes. Let cool.

2. Spray your candy molds with non-stick spray and if your making the toffee on a sheet pan use parchment paper over the top of the pan.

3. Butter a sauce pan. Melt butter, sugar, corn syrup and water in pan over medium to low heat. Stirring constantly!

TIP: You can’t walk away from the stove once you start! You must stir constantly to avoid burning the toffee. So set aside 15 minutes for just stirring.

4. Continue stirring for about ten minutes (set a timer) then after ten minutes turn the heat from low medium to medium high and keep stirring for another five minutes.

5. The toffee should start to bubble and start turning a golden brown color. Remove from heat once your toffee is a golden brown color and poor into each mold or onto a baking sheet covered with parchment.

6. Top toffee with chocolate chips and the chocolate will melt. Top with toasted almonds and sea salt.

7. Allow to cool for 3-6 hours. I prefer to cool mine in the fridge.

8. Once cool, pop out of molds or break into pieces. Bag them and tie off with ribbon and tags.

A tasty and festive treat for friends and family! I hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas!
